Don't Stress, That's Our Job - TréCreative Tips&Tricks

With our wedding season official in swing, we always make sure to meet up or Skype with all our couples before the wedding day. We love spending time getting to know each couple and catching up on life with wedding (and non-wedding) related conversations. As we've began to schedule these meetings, we've realized we haven't done the best of job communicating how much the goal of these meetings is to create a stress free wedding day! All of our wedding experiences include "Wedding Schedule Coaching and Layout", but we totally realize how this aspect of our packages can be easily forgotten.

In the last couple weeks we have met with several of our couples to go over their wedding day timeline. Some of them showed up stressed feeling like they weren't prepared or didn't have any idea what the schedule should look like...and that's perfect! As a bride, we do not at all expect you to know how a wedding day flows, that's our job! As photographers and videographers we LOVE helping our couples plan out wedding day timelines so that their (and our) day runs smooth and stress free.

So to all our future brides or those planning on having their timeline meeting soon, let the stress go and know by the end of the meeting all the pieces to the puzzle as far as wedding photos go will be taken care of. We can do this meeting ANYtime prior to the wedding. Usually it's anywhere from 1-3 months in advance, but if you'd like to do it sooner, no worries at all! And don't worry about showing up and presenting us with a detailed schedule, we'll help you plan everything out.

Here's some things you should know by the time of the meeting:

  • Ceremony Time (don't know this yet, email us and we'd be happy to advise you)
  • Getting Ready Locations
  • Would you like to do a "First Look" or no? (same goes for this one, we can give you the rundown for each method)

That's it, really!

Our overall reason for writing this post was because during some recent meetings, we could see stress written all over our bride's faces. We don't want you to feel this way at all! Enjoy your engagement season, and let us worry about your wedding day schedule!!


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